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Personal Profile of Dr. Partha Sarathi Mondal
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Name:Dr. Partha Sarathi Mondal
Designation:Assistant Professor
Department: Applied Science and Humanities
Resume :Resume.pdf

Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities
Office Room No: Ground Floor, Old Administrative Block
Degree (Highest) Discipline Year Institute
Ph. D. Experimental Condensed Matter Physics 2010 Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR)/
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Teaching Interest
-Solid State Physics
-Physics for Engineers
-Mathematical Physics
-Physics Electronic Materials 
Research Interest:
-Applications of transition metal oxides as thermoelectric materials, Colossal Magneto-resistive (CMR) materials, solid state ion conductors.
-Single crystal growth, Epitaxial thin film growth by Pulsed Laser Deposition 
-Photo-Seebeck effect
-Electrocaloric Cooling (SERB-DST project 2020-2023)

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