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Personal Profile of Dr. E. Hemachandran
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Name:Dr. E. Hemachandran
Designation:Assistant Professor
Department: Foundry Technology
Phone:+91 9790820601


Office Room No: 220, First Floor, Faculty Building 
Degree (Highest) Discipline Year Institute
Ph. D. Microfluidics and Microsystems  2021 IIT-Madras 
Teaching Interest:
(Including Courses Taught  ADC/B. Tech M. Tech)
Engineering Thermodynamics 
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 
Applied Thermodynamics 
Heat and Mass Transfer 
Research Interest: MEMS, Micro-Scale Flows, Microsystems and Bio-Microfluidics. Micro-Manufacturing, Droplet Microfluidics and Interfacial Phenomena, Heat transfer in Microgravity using Electric, Magnetic and Acoustic fields,  Spacecraft Thermal Control. 

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