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Procurement of Books/Journals
Procedure for procurement of Books / Journals:-
  1. Through – Requisition by faculty members
  2. Through – Book exhibition (Only for purchase of Books)
After getting requisition / recommendations from faculty members, the compiled list of recommended books / journals is put in-front of library committee for review & their recommendation.
After recommendation of library committee this list is sent to the Director for approval to get quotation from reputed vendors.

Finally the library prepare comparative statement based on lowest price quoted from comparative statement, the committee recommends the list for purchase of books / subscription of journals and sent it to Director for approval.

Once this approved for the Director, the library place the order with following terms & conditions. 

Terms and Conditions for Supply of Books:- 
  1. The supplier should acknowledge the receipt of the Purchase Order within 30 days of receiving the Purchase Order and also confirm acceptance of purchase terms and conditions of NIAMT Library & Documentation Centre.
  2. Books are to be supplied at the Publishers price in foreign currency for foreign books but the payment is to be made by us in the Indian currency at the existing conversion rates of GOC/RBI as announced as on the date of supply of books receiving of books by Institute.  
  3. Over all discount on foreign & Indian Books if any may be clearly mentioned in the terms & conditions of bid offer.
  4. Sales-Tax, insurance charges etc. if any are to be borne by the suppliers.
  5. Books are to be supplied within 03 (Three) months from the date of Purchase Order. (a) Only new books and not used books to be delivered. (b) The delivery date may be extended by the library at its discretion, if the supplier requests for an extension citing valid reasons. However, the order is liable to cancellation if not executed within maximum six months.
  6. The supplier should submit the bill in triplicate mentioning the order no and date. The bill should accompany the relevant Challan in duplicate and the supporting documents: copy of the original import Invoice (or current publisher’s catalogue or publisher’s price list). Accordingly payment will be made.
  7. A Price Certificate be incorporated in the bill stating that price quoted is correct. In case there are special discounted price offers by the publisher, the same should be communicated to the Library and billed accordingly.
  8. urrent Income Tax Clearance Certificate, Income Tax No, and PAN Number should be furnished along with the Invoice, if not furnished earlier.
  9. Latest edition & low price edition: Books of the latest edition should be supplied, with intimation to that effect to the library, even though the Purchase Order may have specified an older edition. Due to budge constraints and demand for purchasing more number of books, the library prefers to procure low priced editions. Thus, if a low priced edition of a book is available then the supplier is encouraged to inform its availability to the library, supply the same and bill accordingly.
  10. If a supplied book doesn’t conform to specifications or if the book is not in good condition, the supplier will be asked to take back the book at his own expense and replace it within Three months: otherwise the order will be cancelled. The library will not be responsible for such books if not taken back and replaced within the said period.
  11. The exchange rate will be on G.O.C Conversion rate as announced on RBI website prevailing on the date of the bill.
  12. Affix Rs.1/= Revenue stamp if the amount exceed Rs.500/-.
  13. The firm should not have been blacklisted any where. An affidavit of this effect of on a Non-Judicial stamp of Rs.10/- is to be submitted.
  14. Supplier should be a member of GOC/FPBAI or any other state, National Association(s) of book suppliers / vendors.
  15. Turn over of supplier should be minimum 50 lakhs per annum, a certificate in this regard to be enclosed.
  16. The order is liable to be cancelled if the delivery is not made within three months after the expiry of the stipulated delivery date. Books not conforming to specifications and not in good condition should be replaced within three months otherwise order for those books will be cancelled.
  17. (a)  Suppliers must certify on the bills that the price charged is correct and no special offers / low priced editions are available. (b) On account of the supplier not informing us of the availability of low-price edition books or not informing us of special discounted price offers from publisher, any loss incurred to the Institute will be recovered from the amount payable to the supplier. 
  18. Intimation relating to the mode of dispatch should be faxed to 0651-2290860 original dispatch document should be forwarded to the Library by Registered Post / Speed Post. 
  19. The Books should be consigned to Librarian, Library & Documentation Centre NIAMT, Hatia, Ranchi-834 003 by speed post / registered post. Delivery by Rail / Road transport is not accepted. No postal, handling charge will be paid. (Consignment number must be enclosed with bill).
  20. Every volume should be carefully checked before dispatch. If any defect is discovered in any volume at this end it will have to be replaced by the supplier at their own cost.
  21. If there is any difference in the price or mistakes in the spelling the name of the author or the title, the suppliers shall intimate the institute Librarian immediately before executing the order. Institute will raise fresh order and only than on the basis of the fresh order, order may be executed.
  22. If any wrong supply is made by the suppliers, it shall be returned to them at their risk & cost.
  23. The payment shall be made only in respect of books / items received in perfect good condition at this end and have been accepted after inspection by the Library & Documentation Centre.
  24. The institute will not be liable if the consignment will be lost or misplaced in transit or any loss of theft occurred to the consignment.
  25. All disputes arising out of the above order shall be deemed to have arisen within Ranchi and all legal proceeding shall be instituted in competent court in the city of Ranchi only.
  26. The library reserves the right to; Cancel an Order at any time without assigning any reasons.
Dr. Chandra Sekhra Kommalapati (Assistant Professor)
Acting In-Charge
Library & Documentation Centre 
Mobile No. : +91-7302056678
Phone No. :   0651-2292070  
Fax No. : 0651- 2290860
E-mail : library[at]; 

Terms and Conditions for Supply of Journals:-

The specific terms and conditions mentioned below:
  1. A separate statement should be furnished by the firm along with the remittance proof  showing the following details:
    (I) Name of the Journal.
    (II) Subscription rate of the Journal
    (III) Discount
    (IV) Actual remittance made to the Publisher after discount (the D.D. / Cheque amount should tally with the actual remittance made to the publisher)
  2. Payment of security Deposit i.e. 10% of the total value of the Invoice for a period of 18 months by way of Demand Draft/Special term Fixed Deposit Receipt only drawn in a Nationalized Bank in favour of “National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology” payable at Ranchi. No other mode of payment will be accepted.
  3. Execution of Agreement in duplicate in the Prescribed Form in Stamp Paper.
  4. For those Journals which have been subscribed by us for which Free-On-Line Access is available at no extra cost, the subscription agency / publisher should provide the same.
  5. If any of the publishers offer free CDs, along with their Journals, the same should be supplied to the Library at no extra cost without fail.
  6. All other relevant documents, such as price proof, agreement paper etc, may be submitted along with Invoice / Bill. 
  7. For placing the order, Preference may be given to the supplier having membership of GOC, FPBAI or Any other State / National Association(s) of books suppliers / subscription agencies with license holder for Importing / Exporting of Journals. 
  8. The payment of Journals ordered will released subject to the verification of details and satisfaction of the Library & Documentation Centre as per the purchase order complying with the terns & condition and consequently will be sent to Accounts Section for payment.  
  9. The institute should pay only the base price of the Journals. Any other changes such as Postal charge, Handling charge, Airmail charge etc. shall not be paid by this Institute. 
  10. All the journals must be supplied by registered post or speed post only at our library within 30 days for the date of publication. In case the vender does not supply the Journal / reach the journal to the library within three months of publication, no further journal will be accepted and no payment will be made for such journals.
  11. The institute will not be liable if the consignment will be lost or misplaced in transit or any loss or theft occurred to the consignment.
  12. All disputes arising out of the above order shall be deemed to have arisen within Ranchi and all legal proceeding shall be instituted in competent court in the city of Ranchi only.
  13. The exchange rate will be on G.O.C Conversion rate as announced on RBI website prevailing on the date of the bill.
  14. The Period of subscription is for one Calendar year i.e. from January to December 2019 accepts few journals, unless specified otherwise. No change in subscription period will be entertained later on under any circumstances. Mid year subscription will not be entertained. For all the ordered, supply should commence from January 2019 itself unless specified by us.
  15. Submission of Bill – the supplier should submit the bill in triplicate mentioning the order No. and date. The bill should accompany the relevant Challan in duplicate and the supporting documents viz copy of original invoice & publisher price list.     
  16. Income tax related papers- current income tax clearance certificate, ITR for last 2 years, Income Tax No. & copy of PAN, GST No. should be furnished along with the Invoice,
  17. Discount on subscription of Journals may be clearly mentioned in the terms & conditions of the offer.
  18. Price Certificate- A price certificate should be incorporated in the bid document along with special price offer if any apart from discount offer by the vendor stating that price quoted is correct. 
  19. The firm should not have been blacklisted any where. An affidavit of this effect of on a Non-Judicial stamp of Rs.10/-is to be submitted.
  20. If free on-line services (INTERNET) and other services are provided with the subscription of the print journals that must be mentioned in the invoices. Necessary services must be provided from the vendor's side to get access of the on-line facility. On-line registration form and subscription number of the respective publishers must be provided along with bid.
  21. Reconciliation of supply status must be made quarterly to avoid any discrepancy in supply position.
  22. You are requested to make all out concerted effort on your side to meet 100% commitment regarding the supply of ordered journals. However, in case of any non supply of journals documentary evidence must be produced before the Library & Documentation Centre of the institute from time to time.
  23. Invoices should be pre-receipted.
  24. Please mention the volume no., frequency & publisher of each title in the invoice.
  25. Affix Rs.1/-Revenue stamp if the amount exceed Rs.500/-
  26. If any wrong supply is made by the supplier, it shall be returned to them at their risk and cost.
  27. Every issue of journal should be carefully checked before dispatch. If any defect is discovered in any issue at this end, it will have to be replaced by the suppliers at their own cost.
  28. Turnover of supplier should be minimum 2 crores per annum, a certificate in this regard to be enclosed.  
  29. Payment will be made only after supply of all the issues of all the Journals.
  30. Sequence of all issues in supply should be maintained. 
  31. Quotation must be sent in sealed envelop by Speed Post / Registered Post only within the due date.
  32. Quotation send by Hand / Currier will not be accepted
Dr. Chandra Sekhra Kommalapati (Assistant Professor)
Acting In-Charge
Library & Documentation Centre 
Mobile No. : +91-7302056678
Phone No. :   0651-2292070  
Fax No. : 0651- 2290860
E-mail : library[at]; 
Visitor No. 105101420387