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Equipment Details
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 
Brand : Bruker Optics GmbH, Germany
Application: Functional Group Analysis

Types of users Transmission/Reflectance spectra Charges (INR) per sample
Internal (NIAMT) Users Rs. 200/-
External users (Academic/R&D/Institution) Rs. 300/-
External users (Industry) Rs. 500/-

SOP for Internal (NIAMT) FTIR users (utilizing CPDA fund)

1. Internal (NIAMT) users are required to download the requisition form for FTIR Analysis from the NIAMT website.

          Requisition Form:
Click here

2. Fill all the details in the requisition form.

3. Calculate the charges based on the number of samples/number of slots and enter the details in the requisition form.

4. Enter the analysis details in their respective CPDA register and enter the page no. and serial no. details in requisition form.

5. Obtain the signature from supervisor and HOD in requisition form.

6. Attach the duly filled SP-02 form with the requisition form.

7. Submit the requisition form cum SP-02 form along with the samples at the FTIR room
8. FTIR technician will intimate the completion of analysis to user.

9. User will have to bring the new CD to collect the data. USB Pen drive is strictly not allowed for collection of data.

10. User will have to sign the register book kept in FTIR room after the collection of data.

SOP for Internal (NIAMT) users

1. Internal (NIAMT) users are required to download the requisition form for FTIR Analysis from the NIAMT website.

          Requisition Form:
Click here

2. Fill all the details in the requisition form.

3. Obtain the signature from supervisor and HOD.

4. Calculate the charges based on the number of samples/number of slots.

5. Pay the amount by online. The amount once paid is Non-refundable. Payment by any other mode is not accepted.

6. Show the payment transaction details to In-Charge (Accounts) at the accounts section in administrative building.

7. In-Charge (Accounts) will provide money receipt after confirming the transaction details. User may use the money receipt for claiming the reimbursement through CPDA/Project/etc.

8. Attach the copy of money receipt with the FTIR requisition form.

9. Fill the ‘details of payment’ in the requisition form.

10. Sign the requisition form.

11. Submit the requisition form along with the samples at the FTIR room.

12. FTIR technician will intimate the completion of analysis to user.

13. User will have to bring the new CD to collect the data. USB Pen drive is strictly not allowed for collection of data.

14. User will have to sign the register book kept in FTIR room after the collection of data.

SOP for External (Academic / R & D institution /Industry) users

1. External users are required to download the requisition form for Functional Group analysis from the NIAMT website.

          Requisition Form:
Click here

2. Fill all the details in the requisition form.

3. Obtain the signature from supervisor/HOD (in case of Academic / R & D institution)

4. Calculate the charges based on the number of samples/number of slots.

5. Pay the amount by online. The amount once paid is Non-refundable. Payment by any other mode is not accepted.

6. Fill the ‘details of payment’ in the requisition form

7. Sign the requisition form.

8. Scan the requisition form and send to ftir.cif[at] along with the payment transaction details.

9. The payment transaction details will be forwarded to In-Charge (Accounts) at the accounts section - NIAMT

10. In-Charge (Accounts) will provide money receipt after confirming the transaction details. A Scanned copy of money receipt will be sent to the user. On request, money receipt will also be sent by post to the user’s address. For that they have to send self-addressed envelope with stamp of requisite amount.

11. External users may submit the samples at the FTIR room or send the samples by post mentioning in the envelope ‘samples for FTIR analysis’ to 

Central Instrument facility, 
National Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (NIAMT), 
Hatia, Ranchi – 834003
E-mail: cif[at]

12. Data will be sent by e-mail to the user or user may bring the new CD to collect the data. USB Pen drive is strictly not allowed for collection of data.

13. In case, external user requires their samples back, they are requested to send a self-addressed envelope with stamp of requisite amount.

14. FTIR technician / external user will sign the register book kept in FTIR room after the collection of data or after sending the data by e-mail.

FTIR Lab in-charge
Dr. S.R. Kumar
Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities
National Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (NIAMT)
Hatia, Ranchi – 834003
e-mail: srkumar[at]
Visitor No. 105101777197