The Institute:
Industrial development plays an important role in the development of the country. To Provide the requisite quality & quantity of trained manpower at different level, Govt. of India set up the National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology (NIFFT) in the year 1966 in collaboration with UNDP-USESCO. NIFFT is registered as Society under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. The management of the Institute is vested with Board of Governors with Chairman at its apex and members representing Govt. of India (Ministry of HRD & industry), AICTE, Private and Public enterprises, technical and R & D organizations. Recently, the institute changed its name to National Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (NIAMT). During the last five-six decades NIAMT (formerly NIFFT) has earned a reputation as a leading institute for teaching, training, research & development, consultancy and documentation and information retrieval services in manufacturing technology and related areas of academic and industrial interest. With the globalization of the market, competitiveness in industries has increased tremendously. The VISION Statement of the Institute is: Accomplishing excellence in the technical education and act as repository and leader for disseminating state-of-the art knowledge and expertise in the field. |
- To strengthen academic programmes with introduction of new courses in emerging areas at the Advanced Diploma, Graduate and Postgraduate levels.
- To create center of excellence and to encourage advanced studies to promote academic research.
- To promote International & National collaborations and joint venture in research & development programmes.
- To augment institute-industry interactions and to offer consultancy / training /refresher courses / unit-based programmes and library information services to industry.
- To carry out industrial research, design, and development work in the areas of manufacturing technology and related fields of present need.
- To promote collaborative research work with industries and research laboratories.
NIAMT (formerly NIFFT) has six main teaching departments Electronics and Computer Engineering, Foundry Technology, Forge Technology, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, and Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities. The institute is equipped with various laboratories such as Rapid prototype Lab. CAD-CAM, Ceramic Lab, Internet Laboratory, Sand laboratory, Metallography, FMS, Non-destructive and mechanical Testing, Spectroscopy, Thin Film Laboratory, Environmental Engineering Lab., Metrology, Electronics & Electrical Lab, SEM, Forging Laboratory, Physics Lab., Chemistry Lab, Central Computer Centre etc. Networking Facility is available for all thw students & faculty members and at the offices. The workshops and laboratories are adequately equipped with modern and sophisticated instruments for efficient training. |
The Institute is situated on the southern periphery of Ranchi on the Ranchi - Chaibasa highway about 10 km from Ranchi Railway station and about 6 km from Ranchi Airport. Ranchi is located at little over 600 m height above means sea level (MSL) and has a very moderate and pleasant climate throughout the year. |