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Academic Programme
Advanced Diploma in Forge Technology
Department of Forge Technology offers three-semester (18 months) advance diploma course (ADC) leading to the award of Advanced Diploma in Forge Technology of the Institute. The objective of these courses is to develop personnel suitable for the fast growing Forge industries in the country. The course is industrially-oriented and is designed to impart professional specialization in the concerned fields. The programme has been designed to provide adequate exposure to the students in all the subjects relevant to Forge Technology through lectures, laboratory and workshop practices, seminars,technical film shows and extensive training in industries. 
Detail Syllabus        Rules and Regulations

Bachlor of Technology in Production and Industrial Engineering
Department of Foundry Technology together with department of Forge Technology, offers eight-semester under graguate (UG) courses in Production and Industrial Engineering leading to the award of Degree of Bachlor of Technology (B. Tech.) of Jharkhand University of Technology.

Master of Technology in Foundry-Forge Technology
Department of Forge Technology together with department of Foundry Technology, offers four-semester postgraduate (PG) courses leading to the award of Degree of Master of Technology (M. Tech.) of Ranchi University, Ranchi. The objective of these courses is to develop quality manpower to cater the needs of industries and R&D organizations and also to fulfil the growing need for qualified faculty at the institutions of higher learning. The courses have been designed to meet these objectives while maintaining the highest standards of postgraduate engineering education.
Detail Syllabus Rules and Regulations

Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Forge Technology offers  doctoral research programmes leading to the award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering.  


Information Brochure for PhD
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